- How Long Have You Been Walking with The Lord? Over This Period, Please Share with The Group How the Passing of Time Has Either Helped You or Hindered You on Your Faith Journey. At This Stage of Your Life, Do You See Time as An Ally or An Enemy?
- Have You Ever Had to Wait for A Promise from The Lord? How Was That Waiting Period, And How Did You Manage This Period of Waiting? Were You Ever Discouraged Due to The Passing of Time? Did Your Emotions Ever Come into Play While You Were Waiting, And What Did You Do to Curtail These Emotions? Can Anyone Share Why Waiting on God Can Be so Difficult?
- At This Stage of Your Faith, Would You Say That You Are a Very Patient Person? Describe For the Group What Patience Looks Like in Your Daily Walk with The Lord; Is It Patience with Yourself as A Work in Progress; Is It Patience with Others as The Same; Or Is It Patience With Life Circumstances? Finally, Would You Say That Developing Patience Was of Great Importance to You, And Why?