The Care Centre Services
The Care Centre team is the central hub of our ministry. They are the "one-stop destination" for all of our member and staff needs. From arranging a baby dedication for your child or grandchild to requesting a visit from our church family for a loved one that is ill, to enquiring about water baptism, and a whole lot more, the Care Centre team is here to serve you with excellence. Be sure to let us know how we have performed.

Prayer Requests
Do you need prayers for yourself, a loved one or a friend? Do you need someone to stand in agreement with you, or to stand in the gap for you? At Rhema Christian Ministries (RCM), we believe in the power of prayer.

Pastoral Care
Do you need pastoral counseling? Do you need encouragement, spiritual guidance or direction? Our college of elders, made up of the five fold ministry gifts, are here to serve you.

Become A Member
At Rhema, we believe that individuals are either birthed into or placed into the local church by the will of God. As placement is vital to the purpose we welcome all those whom God is placing within our ministry. We would love to confirm your status with us as a member of our community.

Water Baptism
Baptism is the place where a believer publicly aligns with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, symbolized by immersion in water. At Rhema Christian Ministries, we believe in, and perform water baptism as a act of identifying with Christ and His church.

Pre-marital Counseling and Weddings
At Rhema Christian Ministries (RCM), we believe in, and are committed to the ordinance of marriage. We hold strongly to the belief that marriage is a life-long commitment and any couple entering into this very sacred institution should be well prepared for it. This is why we encourage couples going into marriage to attend pre-marital counseling sessions prior to getting married.

Child Dedication
We believe that children are a heritage of the Lord, and as a community of believers, our responsibility is to ensure that we agree with heaven on the God-ordained destinies of these precious gifts, and along with their parents, dedicate them back to their maker. During the dedication, we also pronounce irrevocable blessings upon them.

Hospital & Visitation Services
At Rhema Christian Ministries (RCM), we believe that sickness is not the portion of any believer because Jesus Christ bore our sicknesses and diseases and has paid the price for them. With that understanding, we are encouraged to approach the throne room of grace and mercy to find help in the time of need. Whether in the hospital or at home, our ministerial services team of elders and intercessors, are ready and willing to go when they are called upon.

In most cases, when one is grieving the death of a loved one or a friend, they are usually overwhelmed by all arrangements and processes that need to be performed to ensure that the deceased gets a befitting funeral and a glorious sendoff. This is why at Rhema Christian Ministries (RCM) we ensure that we are ready and available to offer every assistance that is required of us. We are here to do as much or as little as you need us to do. From performing the entire ceremony to just being present at the funeral, we are here to serve you.

Business or Home Dedication
We believe that every space we occupy, whether a home or business, is an opportunity to invite God’s presence and align with His purpose. As a community of faith, we stand with you to dedicate your space back to God, asking for His guidance, protection, and blessings. During the dedication, we declare His favor and peace to rest upon all who enter and for His purposes to be fulfilled in every endeavor.

With a goal to change and affect lives by ensuring that no family goes without food, the Rhema Foodbank is a food bank service assisting our community by supplementing the grocery needs of many families on a weekly basis. As well, during the holiday seasons, we offer pre-packaged grocery bags to feed families and spread the joy of the holiday season.