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Renewal Thru Prayer (Jan. 13 – Jan. 19)

Renewal Thru Prayer (Jan. 13 – Jan. 19)

Jan. 12 – 18: Prayer For The Church [Matt. 16:18] 

  1. Prayer For Church Reformation, [Matt. 9:17].
    • Turning from old thinking to new & anointed thinking. 
    • Turning from old practices to the new wine of God. 
  2. Prayer For Church Reunification, [1 Cor. 1:10]. 
    • A supernatural unifying of the local church body. 
    • A supernatural unifying of the global church body.
  3. Prayer For Church Realignment, [Rev. 3:22].  
    • Aligned with the voice of the Holy Spirit. 
    • Aligned with the leading of the Holy Spirit.