- During Pastor’s Message He Shared Three Very Important Practices of Scripture, Love, Light, And Live. When It Comes to Love, What Are Some of The Things That You Have Done to Ensure That You Desire the Scriptures Above All Else? In What Ways Are the Scriptures Serving as A Guide for Your Daily Life? Finally, Can You Share How the Scriptures Have Given You a Sense of Safety and Protection for Your Life. Finally, What Value Do You Personally Place on The Scriptures?
- As A Group Share Your Thoughts on The Following Types of Jesus In Joshua And Judges: Share Practical Ways In Which The Dominion Of Jesus Can Be Expressed Thru Us As Believers In The World. What Does Living as More Than a Conqueror in Christ Mean to You and How Is This Expressed in Your Daliy Life? Have You Ever Put Out a Fleece When Seeking God’s Answer to Your Prayer and Has He Responded?
- Finally, In the Book of Judges Jesus Is Pictured Through the Many Judges That Are Raised Up to Deliver, Correct, And Rule Over Israel. We Learned That Ultimately Jesus Is the Final Judge Before Whom We Will All Have to Stand. Can You Share with The Group How You Are Preparing to Stand Before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Right Now, Would You Say That You Are Confident in Your Preparation to Stand Before Christ Our Judge.